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Tony Cuñha, M.S, P.E.   Principal Engineer

Tony visiting the Gammon tower testing facility in Nagpur, India 

Tony is a licensed, professional engineer (PE) with 8 years of industry experience working for one of California’s largest electric utilities, Southern California Edison.  During his time at Edison, Tony learned a tremendous amount from highly experienced civil and structural engineers, eventually becoming an expert in transmission towers and lines.  As far as engineers go, Tony admires his former engineering manager at Southern California Edison, Norm Jufer.  Tony says, "Norm isn't only incredibly smart and knowledgeable, but he's great at communicating complex ideas and processes." 


Tony's engineering expertise includes the design and analysis of new and existing transmission towers, transmission lines, and pole structures.  Tony is particularly skilled at retrofitting and modifying existing towers and lines, helping to increase the capabilities of current transmission infrastructure to support new technologies.  

Favorite Projects In My Career...

OPGW re-conductor on 500 kV T/L

California/ Nevada Border for SCE

• 26 miles of OPGW re-conductor on 500kV T/L

• Tower Modifications to Support additional loading

• Identification & Analysis of Pulling/Stringing Locations

• OPGW Procurement Specification

• Construction Spec Development​​

• Engineering and Construction Drawings:

  • Tower Modification Designs and Construction Procedures

  • Transmission Line Plan and Profiles 

  • Wire Sag-Tension charts

  • Construction Bid Specification​​

Transmission Line Remediation Project (TLRR)

Southern California for SCE

  • Designed an extension which could be inserted into an existing single circuit 220kV tower in order to make a taller structure (Pardee-Vincent Project) 

  • Designed an extension that increased the height of an existing double-circuit 220kV tower by 17 feet (Chino-Viejo Project)

    • For the old Vincent transmission lines, Mr. Cuñha designed a modification that could be installed into the bridge portion of the standard tower which would allow for the conductor to remain in a fixed position. 

Modeling of 500kV Tower

Southern California for SCE

Generate TOWER models of existing tower design. 

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